Flag day, a tiring day
12 April 2006 - 23:15
The alarm went off sounding like a mad chicken which had shit stuck in its ass. "What time is it?" It's 5 am in the morning. "What, why am I waking up so EARLY?" It's Flag Day.
My class was assigned to do flag day at 7 am at Bukit Gombak. The place is like the other part of Singapore, West and I'm staying at the East. Anyway, that wasn't the annoying part. I'm used to waking up early for occasions like school.. Haha.
The most disturbing part was when I changed the train to Bukit Gombak from Doby Ghout. After standing for 20 minutes in the train heading towards Bukit Gombak, an announcement was made "Next stop Bishan." And I was like "could you repeat yourself again?"
"Next Stop BISHAN."
"What the F****! I could have taken a bus to Bishan and took the train to Bukit Gombak. My life would be made so much easier. Why didn't I take notice of the BISHAN train station on the map?"
So, it took me nearly 50 minutes to travel from Doby Ghout to Bukit Gombak and I was standing the whole time. Oh my God! Am I becoming stupid? :(
That aside, now more on flag day. Frankly speaking, whenever my secondary school organises Flag day for us to do, I'll bring a small bag of coins and start dropping these coins into the tin. If I feel that it's not enough, I'll take some from my friends and fill the tin. I mean who likes to do Flag Day? Furthermore we are all Guys. It is so hard for us to approach people and ask them to donate. Of course, I can't deny the fact that we Are LAZY... :(
But today was specially different. I was actually spur on to do Flag day without self donation. My group of friends and I went all out to ask people to donate. The feeling of being rejected and ignored like a fool was quite depressing at first. But slowly as time went pass and more people started donating when we asked, the feeling of this accomplishment is difficult to describe. I was actually enjoying what I thought was hard to do.
Moreover, never did I expect myself to sell off all 150 flags (sticker) to the public. My tin felt heavy and it was so much heavier as compared to my previous years. In the end, the amount collected in total was another great astonishment to me. I had collected 95 dollars and 3 cents. Again the amount tabulated was so so so much more as compared to my previous years.
The day ended off at 5 pm. It was a tiring day indeed. But it was also a wonderful and filling day.
The important lesson that I've learnt is that we should learn to ask and we'll be given. As a phrase goes "ask and the door will be open". It is better to ask than to be stuck on a crossroad not knowing where to go.
For this to happen, I've my friends to thank for who had been there to help me. Also, to the hundred Singaporeans out there who had kindly made their donations to us, a very big thank you to you. To those who ignored and shunned us away, "thank you" as well...
My class, my home
11 April 2006 - 23:39
To SPARTA: The time has come where we learn to let go and walk our own path. The wonderful memories I have with you guys will always be attached in my mind. Sparta, I'll miss you and remember you... So mushy mushy right? Eeeeeeee....wwwwwweeeeeeeeh.....!!!!
Enough of my camp group mates and say "HI!" to my classmates. There's a total of 18 or 19 of us. Equal number of guys and gals... What else? Hmmm... YOU GUYS & GALS ROCKS AND YOU"RE HOT!!!! At least we are not the NERDY class. HaHa!
Everyone in my class is hilarious and IN man. We are so bonded on the first day. It is so amazing.
Hope to get a class photo up here soon.
Flags Day is tomorrow. what a tiring day tomorrow will be.... Wake up at 5 be at Bukit Gombak by 7. I stay where? Serangoon... Sigh... Have to travel the other part of Singapore.
SB camp in SP
10 April 2006 - 18:18
As I had told you earlier in my previous post that I'll be going for a camp called the School of Business camp (SB camp), I'm going to tell you what happened.
Like any other camp, the purpose of having a camp is to build bond and foster good relationship with strangers. So you should know what will be the first game in camps. Yes, it's Ice breaker. The part where most of us will hate the most. Memorizing names and stuff... It is just too hard.
Anyway, I went into the Orange group and had my group named Sparta. There are more gals than guys. Just imagine 6:4. Alright, not very much.
So we had station games and we won all the games on the 1st day. Cool ha! I never imagined my group could win all the games because my experience in my camp groups is that whichever group I go to, that group will lose. But, now things have changed for the better.
Then at night we had the "shim" night. "Shim" basically refers to a guy who dresses up as a girl. That night was hilarious and censored. Best rated to be NC16..haha. We heard some ghost stories from our seniors as well. The stories were rather scary and some and I mean SOME were hard to believe. Most were believable. But, who cares?
It was 4am in the morning. A ray of light pierced into the darkness and I heard "Guys, wake up. It's time for your nightwalk." Oh my god! It's 4 am in the morning. Anyway, we had to walk in pairs after each 5 minutes interval. The school is really dark and creepy at night. You can't see anything but the light sticks to guide your way. There were seniors who were stationed and dressed up as ghosts. Wired noises were made and scary appearances of "potyianak". I think this is how you spell it, but if you don't know what's that there are female ghost with really long hair covering their faces, standing near banana trees. My comments on this nightwalk? I was sleep walking.
Now, the exciting part of the camp falls on the second day. In the morning we had station games again and in the afternoon we played the amazing race in town area. The clues they gave were rather difficult, but if you have what it takes to complete this game, it should be easy. All in all, the race was fun, but my advice is that NEVER ORGANISE SUCH A RACE AT TOWN AREA BECAUSE THE SECURITY GUARDS THERE CAN BE IRRITATING. "YOU can't play games here". WHATEVER!!!
But we still had fun and we shouted our cheer outside Shaw house as a forfeit for asking hints from our Facilitators. IT WAS sO EMBARRASSING!!!
At night we had the SB dinner. We had buffet and photos taken see below and see...


The GUYS looking constipate or COOL!!!
(In case you're wondering, I'm third from the left.)

The cool team

Can't resist seeing us???

Night gang



Ta ta
The last day, we all say GOOD BYE...
Buy, Buy, Buy
03 April 2006 - 23:50
Went to town today to get some stuff ready for my camp which is going to start this Wednesday and ends at Friday. You are asking me whether I'm looking forward to it? Hmmm, I guess so or else I wouldn't have signed up for it, unlike the other losers in my school who didn't.
So what have I bought? Just a bottle of Loreal Remix gel and Dove body foam. You mean that's all? Yup. When I got to town I received a phone call from my mum telling me that she bought everything for me and my brother's camp which falls on the same week. So those things that I bought were EXTRAS. HAhaha...
Went there at 12 and got home by 4. So I spent 4 hours roaming the whole of town. Had classic tuna and 2 yummy double chocolate chips cookies for lunch at Subway "eat fresh".
Got to Zara to look at the white suit which Emma is planning to get this Saturday. Why all of a sudden a change in mind to get the suit? He's RICH. Anyway, I compared the suit that Emma wants to the 1 that Sean wore it the other time, and I'm stating to think that Emma's choice of suit is more attractive (can't say nicer because both are equally good). I'll tell you the reason why later. So, Emma the choice is yours...
Missing you guys a lot. Hope to see ya soon.
Marcus, work really hard for your Os and I wish you all the best :)
Roy, keep working. Nothing so add. Happy working, just working. haha :>
Sean, all the best to you and myself in Poly... '~'
Emma, keep JCifying ok. I'm sure you'll do fine with Eli around to talk to. Remember don't leave Li shan out ok. "_"'
02 April 2006 - 01:20
Done in one hour...
I hope you'll like it... :)
Achievements? I have none...
My feelings brought me here today,
Not knowing why of all these days?
To tell you what I've gained,
And to tell you my shames.
When the sun sets in the horizon,
What a beautiful scene I always see.
Something has to come,
Crushing this image in my dreams.
Dreams shattered into a million pieces,
Deeply hurt by the many million glass pieces.
Who will know and who will care?
Or am I willing to give my part to share?
Through these years I spoke and hoped,
Dared to dream and dared to swear.
But what have I gained what have I achieved?
Nothing, but the ghost of shame.
Many times I tried to start anew,
Waking up fresh to taste the morning dew.
In came the ghost of shame,
Bringing nothing only my shames.
My failure is my shame.
My shame is my failure.
How can I start a fresh?
Having to live in my darkest dreams?
It's happening...
A phone call rang one night.
It was a voice of a proud and happy knight.
I had these calls many nights,
But tonight, this call seems to be unright.
The conversations we used to have,
Seem so happy, seem so innocent.
We laughed, joked and cried,
But those were tears of our happy friendship.
We talk, argue and chat.
The feeling isn't right.
Something tells me it's happening,
But what is it I can't explain.
Tasting the bitterness on my tongue,
I feel that I've been wrong.
My presence was nothing but only a puppet,
Following orders that I knew was wrong.
Have I been a friend?
Have I been a mentor?
Or am I just a demon,
Waiting to slay these knights?
Here comes the taste of sourness.
I am filled with so much hate.
I smell jealously everywhere I go.
Is it coming from me or someone else?
Have I been a friend?
Have I been a mentor?
Or am I just a demon,
Waiting to slay these knights?
Maybe these are nothing but just my failure...
Fail to speak,
Fail to succeed.
Fail to achieve,
Fail to express.
Fail to fulfill,
Fail to foresee.
Fail to give,
Fail to share.
Fail to keep,
Fail to sustain.
Fail to refresh,
Fail to stand again.
I just need time...
Maybe all I need is just a little bit of time.
To overcome this trauma in my life.
Maybe all I need is just a little bit of time.
To pray and hope that things will get in line.
Maybe all I need is just a little bit of time.
To think and change what's haunting my mind.
Maybe all I need is just a little bit of time.
To start afresh and get back in time.
Maybe all I need is just a little bit of time.
Don't remind me anything within this time.
Maybe all I need is just a little bit of time.
Just a little...
a little...
Bit... of ...time...