A dramatic day
31 May 2006 - 23:59
Went for a 3.3 km run outside my school after school. The distance we ran was the perimeter of my school, SP. This is a sports elective programme which I had signed up for. Why? I'll leave the guessing of the reasons yourself.
After that very long yet exciting run, my friend and I went over to VCH to catch TPJC choir concert.
At first, I thought the concert was going to be performed by my Secondary school vocal ensemble. But, I was wrong. Emile who invited one my friend and I told us the news only on the day itself. (Well done.) His choir friend was in the performing choir and that's how we ended up watching the performance with him. Anyway, the choir sang really well with a little humor added in to amplify the performance.
Everything went well in school today.
School seems pretty quiet.
Everybody seems really tired.
With all the projects that await us during our vacation,
I don't think there's time for relaxation.
Poor us....
- 09:21
Yesterday was exciting,
today is depressing
and tomorrow is confusing.
So many things have happened these few days. The tense atmosphere that I had once mentioned has become overwhelming.
I wonder what have I done wrong to deserve such treatment.
I wonder if I've been thinking too much.
I wonder whether the things I face everyday and the people I meet everyday is real.
I wonder if there's a need for human beings to be jealous of one another or to hate anybody.
I wonder if being academically strong is a sin.
I wonder and question to be humble is equivalent to be detest.
I wonder if there's anything call "FAIR" in this world.
I wonder if the force in our surroundings or the society is forever stronger than our own personal will power.
I truly wonder if there will be a time when society has lost sight of love...
There are so many things that I ponder everyday. So many things that I know I can't get a direct answer. These are problems that not only I but the society have chosen to look away. Have we ever ask ourselves "Isn't this running away from our problems?" Is running the only solution?
A peaceful day, yet a disastrous day
28 May 2006 - 22:42
Today is a peaceful and rainy day.
Everything seems so relaxing and soothing.
The sound of the rain water water splattered at my glass window. The cool and wet atmosphere that everyone anticipated has finally come.
But far in the land comes a terrible earthquake that has conquered the homes of many. Cries are heard everywhere, morning for those who have lost their love ones. What have they done to deserve this tragedy?
Far in the land, the sparks from the sky came and stayed. In a split second, innocent lives were taken away by the sparks without leaving a trial. What have they done to deserve this tragedy?
Is this murder? Is this just a game? A game played by the unknown figures hidden right above the sky and below the ground. Who can we blame, who can we lodge a complaint to?
Do we have to lose so much, just to gain that little?
Sitting here silently and safely, who can come and give us an answer???
A wonderful outing
27 May 2006 - 22:19
Went out with Emmanuel, Sean and Diva today.
We all had fun...
Went to Macs at Lucky Plaza for lunch and watched an awesome movie called X men 3. The movie is so exciting to the point that no amount of words can express it. OK, this is a little bit too exaggerating. But it's worth watching it, especially if you don't get to sit with a wired guy who keeps commenting about the movie.
He keeps saying that the movie was a pack of lies and it sucks. He calls the characters bullshit and all that stuff. I was sitting beside him and I was totally annoyed. The best part was that he was sleeping during the first half an hour of the show. I mean what's wrong with him? Did he buy the ticket just to comment on something that he doesn't like and sleep through it? Furthermore, he was talking and commenting to himself. That's totally SCARY...
To end off the day, we all headed down to TCC at PS. Had a wonderful bowl of wedges...
Take care Emma for the next few weeks.
Have fun Sean.
Be smart Diva. Learn to socialize well in your school.
26 May 2006 - 21:57
I felt a very tense and suffocating atmosphere around me today. Everyone seems to be hiding something that they don't wish to share. Is it hatred, jealously, happiness or sadness?
Who am I really meeting and seeing everyday? Is anyone putting on a facade? If that's the case, why?
If not, I must be worrying too much. Am I hallucinating? Where is this intense pressure coming from? What source could have triggered this?
I really hope these negative feelings will go away. Especially in a place where I would spend most of my time in. A place which I call it my second home...

Met and talk...Claims, from where,who and why?
10 May 2006 - 20:56
Hello, you guys must be very angry upon reading this post. You must be cursing and swearing at me for not updating my blog. My greatest apology...
I'm sick, caught a flu, the feeling is absolutely unpleasant. Many thanks to my classmates who have shown their concern over my sickness...
Met my JC friend today in the train. She looked as if she has not slept for days and is going to fall anytime. She didn't even have the energy to realise that I was actually standing right in front of her. Well, I did send her a message to make her aware of my presence. We didn't really talk much because she's having a test tomorrow and I didn't want to disturb her.
From this, I wonder what is so different between a JC and a Poly student's life? Anything different besides the fact that we look differently in our appearances and that little bit of difference in the school's culture? Why are there claims made saying that "Poly life is so much smoother and relax" floating in and out of everyone's ears? What supports this statement? Who left it hanging there?
Have we shared enough with others about our life after secondary? What is heard to be right seems to look wrong. What is heard to be wrong seems so hard to be corrected. Why do we have to deceive others when we ourselves look at things so superficially. Where are the people heading? Where are we directing our people? Who are we following? Or what is it that we are obeying?