Egg Bomb
30 June 2006 - 21:55
School has been pretty interesting today, especially during MOB.
Well, today is the starting of our MOB PBL assignment. PBL refers to Problem Based Learning. It is a group work where each group is given the same problem or assignment to ponder and do. After the assignment, we have to reflect on what we did and apply our knowledge in management and organization behavior.
Our job today was to a Straw Nest. This nest will hold and our egg which will be dropped from the 6th floor.
The materials given to us were 1 balloon, 3 rubber bands, 10 straws, an egg, 5 pieces of 1 foot long masking tape and 2 paper napkins.
Like any other ordinary people will do, we started to wrap the egg with the straws we had.
Next, we wrap the egg and the straws with the paper napkins.
Follow by wrapping the item with the leftover straws.
The blown up the balloon was attached to the egg using rubber bands.
We adopted the concept of a hot air balloon and created our Straw Nest. The other 2 groups in my class also used that concept and created their Straw Nest. Only for 1 group had their egg stuffed into the blown up balloon. It is really amazing how they did it, but they did it anyway.
So, up up we go the the 6th floor and down down our eggs fell. The result, my egg broke. the egg in the balloon broke as well. The other 2 survived through. Well, we had fun.... Haha!
It's getting late now. I've to do compiling for my project.
See ya!
A whole list of events
29 June 2006 - 21:22
The past few days have really been hectic. I had projects to do that are due next week, studying my mid term tests and my mid term tests were on for the past two days. Days went by without a single day working, studying and mugging. Of course, I know this is not a very valid reason for me not to blog but... I'm really SORRY. :)
So, I'll try my best to explain to you in very short paragraph what happened since the last I blog....
23rd June 2006
The day kicks off with me staring at my books and notes. I'll be having my mid term tests next week. Tuesday will be Mathematics paper and on Wednesday I'll be having IEB and JAVA papers. However, I just can't seem to concentrate. No matter how hard I force myself to study, nothing gets into my head. What am I to do? Should I rest today?
I did go back to school today to discuss one of my projects with my group members. And I was really surprised when a group of friends actually bought a bag as my birthday present. I didn't expect such an expensive gift from them since we only know each other for 2 months. It was a le coq sportif bag. You know the Chicken bag... Yup yup that one.
Hai, I really want to thank those who have bought the bag for me and I'm really thankful that I've such great friends like you.
So, today is really unproductive, but quite surprising. I hope to see a better tomorrow...
24th June 2006
Went over to CJC to catch Emmanuel's church choir concert. You want comments about the concert? Well, all I can say is that it went pretty well. I believe the choir is able to put up a better performance tonight. Anyway, I enjoyed the performance and I believe those who went would have enjoyed it as well. Just remember to be happy.
25th June 2006
2 more days and my big day is coming. Am I anticipating anything surprising to happen? Nah. All these years, big day celebration has always been a treat to some expensive restaurant. Well, as my big day falls during school day, my family decided to have this treat today. Want to know where we went? The Mongolia Buffet restaurant at Park Mall.
The food there is simply delicious and fantastic. You really have to try out the buffet there. It is simply irresistible. You will never feel shy to have another plate of food. Why? Because everyone there can't seem to stop themselves from tasting every dish that they have. Well, another reason is because of the price that you have to pay. The buffet was $32.00 ++ for each person. So, before you plan to eat there, remember to prepare cash.
The day ended filling and satisfying.
26th June 2006
The day where I work and study like mad for my Maths paper tomorrow. A Maths paper on my big day. How much worst can it get? Anyway, back to studying. Will chat soon.
27th June 2006
My birthday is here and I've a Maths paper to worry about. Furthermore, two more papers are coming tomorrow. This is just a day for me to worry and study till late night.
"Happy Birthday to me. Your present for this year is books, papers and notes. Study, Study and study."
Ignore that.
I just want to thank all of your greetings and well wishes.
Well, the Maths paper went pretty well. I hope to be able to do well.
Wish me all the best, yeah.
28th June 2006
I had my two papers today. It went pretty alright, I think. Anyway, I'm really happy that the mid term test is finally over.
Hooray!!! So happy, feel like flying...
But, I still have 2 more projects to finish and is due next week. Oh my God!!! I bet the next few days will be equally busy and really worrying. But, don't worry, I'll try to blog... I hope.
End here. See ya.
29th June 2006
Lessons started proper today. Had two modules and I went over to the school Guild House to play arcade. The games there were really boring. Well, at least they have pool tables for us to enjoy.
Have to do my project now... Talking to Emma too.
See ya!!! :)
feeling really happy
22 June 2006 - 20:59
I'm feeling happy and comfortable today.
Though I have much to do, but I can't seem to stop feeling so light.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
Or maybe I finally know what I really want. I guess...
All these years,
after all these years,
I finally... After all these years,
I can feel myself. Haha!!!
I hope that you're feeling really happy too.
Like I am. (For the strangest reason that I don't know why)
Maybe the big day is coming.
But this big day always seem so simple.
It is so simple that I actually like it.
Peace and quiet is what I always adore most.
Sometimes it'll bring back memories that carry tears,
but these memories don't always have to be bad.
So be really happy, and be happy.
A great sharing session
17 June 2006 - 22:00
Went out with the old gang today. I mean my pals from secondary school. I'm always happy to see them because this shows that we are keen in maintaining our friendship well. I hope...
We had a wonderful lunch at Sake Sushi near Taka. During lunch, Emmanuel who's back from London was bragging on about his experiences there. The one thing that I can remember very clearly was this theater play that he was watching in London. The play was titled " The women in black". After hearing what he said, I so wanna watch it myself. By the way, it is a horror play. But who cares, I so want to watch it. Of course, not forgetting about the goats which went up hill and...
After lunch, we went to catch the movie "Silent hill". If you think that is a horror movie, you are kind of correct but not very right. I would say the movie is not very appetizing. If you want to know what I mean, go catch it. The movie is great.
As soon as the show ended, Sivadass, Emmanuel and I headed home. On the way, Sivadass and I took a stroll around the estates and we shared many things about our lives and many other meaningful topics. Sometimes I really wonder why some people always have this wrong perception about him.
Do we want to be the person we want to be? Or do we have to be the person the society want us to be?
Are we given the choice to choose between this two options? Or do we have to continue deceiving others and ourselves?
Want to see these places?
15 June 2006 - 21:21
Have you ever wanted to see some of these places yourself?
Cherry Blossoms Japan

Autumn in Germany

The beauty of Antarctica

Scenery of Europe

German's New Swan Castle

View of Holland

Beauty of Tibet

Disney Castle

Golden Maple Leaf

Edge of Glacier

Lavender Farm and Tree

Lavender Farm

Run, run, run
12 June 2006 - 22:26
"Run, run ,run"
As soon as I've handed in my assignment, I went over to Serangoon Stadium to do my runs. Never did I expect to feel so light and relax after running rounds around the stadium. Did some physical exercises as well. The feeling is great.
I think I'll continue what I've started. I mean to exercise and do my runs. Since it's my holidays right now, I might as well make full use of it. Wish me all the best.
The next 2 weeks will be project weeks. I hope that I'll be able to complete both projects in time. May the heavens up there give me more time or stop time. Haha!!!!
Hmmm... I've this feeling that many people that I know are rather busy these days.
Well, most of them are rushing through their studies as the exams draw nearer each day.
Some are really busy with their school stuff because this is their first year.
Of course, there are those who are really into studies and their on it 24/7.
Which ever it is, if you ever need any motivation to spur you going, Homer Simpson will be around to help you. Because he says

Have a great week ahead!!!!!!
A very bad habit that causes me sleepless nights
- 03:30
"A very bad habit that causes me sleepless nights"
I have a habit of doing things at night. And I mean late night. I don't know why but my brain keeps telling me that I'll have time to complete my assignements at night even if it means starting at 10 pm.
So here I am rushing through my project at 3 am in the morning. How great is that?
Anyway, after waiting for a very long time, I finally manage to catch X men 2 yesterday on Channel 5. I did watch the movie the last time, but the image was just terrible. Everything seems dark and I've to figure out who is talking to who by listening to their voices. The best part was that I've to imagine the plot and settings myself. Are they in the forest, mansion or somewhere near the ocean?
Will be going back to school at 11 am later to hand in this assignment. I've planned to go for a run later. Wish me all the best.
See ya.
A family outing
10 June 2006 - 23:16
"A family outing"
Today is Family outing day. I always feel happy when such a day comes. Why? Because such an occasion only occurs once in a blue moon (you can guess how long that is).
Anyway, my brothers and I went to Junction 8 to catch a movie, X men The Last Stand. Although I had already watched the movie with my friends, I see no harm watching the movie again with my brothers. About the show? I don't think I would want to comment on it anymore because I did that in my previous post.
After that, we headed towards West Coast to have our dinner in this BBQ Korea Restaurant.
We had to wait for at least an hour before we could get a table for us to sine in.
It was worth waiting for because the food there was marvellously delicious.
They had my favourite vegetables served on my table. All kinds of them. I just love eating vegetables. There was also a bowl of Ginseng chicken soup that tasted heavenly.
Followed by a bowl of fungus that were barbecued and served to us. Oh my goodness, you can never imagine the wonderful taste of these funguses when they are dipped into this kind of chilli sauce. The taste and the fragrance swirling in your mouth just can't stop you from having more.
And the meats that were barbecued as well felt so tender and soft to the point that it just melts in your mouth. There was not even a squirt of oil as you chewed onto the meat. This shows that is it healthy.
Anyway, the dinner ended off with a bowl of cold, sour, sweet and pepperish kind of drink. I don't know what is that, but my parents said that it is good for digestion and cooling down of the body.
After that wonderful dinner, we headed home and slept soundly.
End of e-learning
09 June 2006 - 23:18
Today is the END of E-LEARNING!!!!
So happy.
Had spent the day staying at home.
Wanted to spend the last day of e-learning at home.
Stared at the computer for hours.
Helped my friend to complete her assignment.
[Don't take it too hard on yourself. It's ok.]
It took hours because the server was jammed.
So many people doing their last minute work.
Expected... Haha!!!
Nothing much to say...
Another 2 more weeks of project to complete.
Wish me all the best.
Come on, 1 more day to go
08 June 2006 - 23:11
"Come on, 1 more day to go before the end of e-learning week."
I did Java quiz today.
The quiz was confusing and brain draining.
However, I did pretty well for the quiz.
It was an online test, so I was to view my marks.
Tomorrow will be doing Java practical, which I hate the most.
I hope I can make it through.
Pray for me :) :) :)
Two more days to go...
07 June 2006 - 23:27
Two more days to go before the e-learning week ends.
I really can't wait till that day comes.
Went to school to complete my other assignments again.
However, today was much more relaxing as compared to the past 2 days.
Completed Mathematics and ITOS.
Now, I'm left with the most difficult assignment to complete... And that is none other than the module JAVA.
You will never know how difficult this module can be until you really try it yourself.
But giving up is not an option.
To get into the course I want in my 2nd year, I'll do everything by all means to accomplish my goal.
As a saying goes "No pain, no gain."
Here's wishing you happy vacation.
Another day of work
06 June 2006 - 21:08
Today is like yesterday. It's a day filled with work. But who cares, I had fun doing all these assignments with my friends. The feeling you have while you're doing your work alone is very different when you're with your friends. Not only can you get the answers from them (this is not the main issue) but you can actually crack some meaningless jokes that never fails to make you laugh.
I was doing my MOB assignment today. MOB refers to Management & Organizational Behavior. This module teaches us managing skills, as well as communication skills, leadership and so on. Basically, it teaches everything we need to know to become an effective and efficient leaders, plus the structure of any organization and their culture. Sounds interesting isn't it?
Anyway, we had a group assignment to complete for this module. My group members consist of the 4 Legendary Heroines. They are Chu Er, Marie, Hui Teng and Winnie. Yes, I know I'm the only guy in this group... It took us the whole morning starting from 9 am to 2 pm, completing this enriching assignment. Why do I say that it is enriching? Because upon completing this assignment, I actually understand the importance of using proper communication skills and skills that are required to ensure that the group and as an individual is both effective and efficient.
After that, we went on to complete our ITOS project work. ITOS refers to IT Office Software. This module teaches us to use Softwares from Microsoft Office effectively.
Upon completion, we headed home and I started to help my friend, Stella, to create her blog. It took me sometime but I was able to complete in quite a short time. I hope she's ok with it... I'm not very good at HTML or should I say "I don't know anything about HTML yet".
Do catch me tomorrow for another exciting adventure of GuoHua's meaningful Life...
Note : On one of these days, I'll posting a post call "Friends Evaluation in SP". So if you're my friend in SP, do look out for this exciting post. Trust me, everything will be pleasing to your eyes.
That's all.. Ta ta!!!
Start of E learning week
05 June 2006 - 21:09
Today is the start of my school's E learning week where students actually get to do self study at home through the use of the Internet. The E refers to Electronic. So in "long", we call this method of learning Electronic Learning. You can say that we are actually having our holidays, but it's also part of our curriculum week.
I went back to school today.
Did some parts of my project (ITOS) and will be completing it later in the night.
Studied with my friend as well.
Had a thrilling time doing our IEB quizzes.
We couldn't get a 100% for our quizzes after several attempts.
So we decided to try out every question one by one until we could get the right answer.
It wasn't every question that we had to do it, but a couple of them.
These quizzes were done online so we could try out as many time as we could.
Ya, I know this is no different from cheating but we have really TRIED our BEST. (",)
Another busy day tomorrow.
Will be going back to school again to complete more projects.
But I don't mind as long as it beats staying at home all day.
A simple day
04 June 2006 - 22:02
It's a Sunday, so nothing much to do... Boring...
Wake up, eat, watch TV, surf the net, watch TV, eat and surfing the net again...
What a slacker right?
Well, I decided to give myself a rest today and will be going full steam tomorrow.
Lots of projects to cover and lost of stuff to study for the upcoming tests which will be starting on the 26th of June.
Anyway, my whole of next week will be packed with school work.
I'm not too sure about the rest of the the 2 weeks.
Maybe the same as well.
But if you ever want to arrange a day to meet, please inform me three days before hand.
I'll try my very best to arrange time for you.
So, so long and see ya soon!
This symbolizes POWER!!
A fruitful and productive day
03 June 2006 - 20:09
Went down to some industrial park at Boon Keng with one of my classmate today.
Her broadband was spoilt after using like for 2 weeks...
What kind of a stupid product and brand is that?
And instead of doing her a service by asking the technician to come down to collect the broadband or have it repaired in her house, she was asked to have it over to their office.
What horrible customer service this company has.
The best part was that we saw many people who have the same broadband as her facing the same problem.
They were all complaining about the product, saying how useless it was and the terrible service the company provides.
So if you ever want to apply broadband, please don't apply under this brand and company.
Remember, singing and telling do not link.
Anyway, after having her broadband fixed, we went down to the National Library to study.
The library is humungous and tall.
However, there are only limited areas to study.
But we were very lucky to be able to find a place to settle down and start on our revision.
Our CAs will be starting right after our vacation and we do not want to waste too much time.
Moreover, projects are like flooding our holidays.
Where is our holidays?????
An outing with the Diva
02 June 2006 - 19:56
Went out with the Diva after school today.
We went to town to get his shirt from Topman.
And I was thinking why a fashion and design student would ask me what kinds of clothes he should buy?
Hello, I'm a business student...
Anyway, he intends to get a pair of new shoes, bag, pencil case and many other stuff including a pair of shades which will cost him 300 - 400++ dollars. Someone is becoming rich already ha.
We walked and talked.
He kept saying that I've slimed down but I don't think I had.
I still feel myself and abstaining from certain food doesn't mean that I'm on a diet.
I just think that they are not healthy that's all.
I'm still eating....
So don't worry too much.
I'll look after myself.
Had a very fun night shopping with him.
He said that this was his first time shopping with a friend at night.
And I was like "Are you sure?"