I'll be getting into this habit of having the title of my post for the day to be written at the top of my post. I feel comfortable to have the topic viewed before you guys start reading the rest of the story. So, don't take those quotes up there as part of my post.
It's been a long time... Since the day I was born, where the world seems so alien to me. But have I ever asked myself, "Where am I?" "What I'm here for?"
It's been a long time Since I called my parents "mum" and "dad" for the first time looking at how happy they were. But have I ever asked myself, "What are they happy about?" "How can I repay the love they have showered upon me?"
It's been a long time Since the day I started my education, where I learnt to speak and write. But have I ever asked myself, "What am I learning this for?"
It's been a long time Since I met my first friend, who I thought will be my best pal. But have I ever asked myself, "What has happened to him now?" "Where is he or who is he?"
It's been a long time Since I first fought with my friend and promised that it'll never happen again. But have I ever asked myself, "Did I live up to my promise?" "Was there a need to fight?"
It's been a long time Since I started my first acquired bad habit which no one in this world can stand except me. But have I ever asked myself, "Do I want to change?" "Where did I learn this from?"
It's been a long time Since I started doing good things which I thought everyone would like. But have I ever asked myself, "Who am I doing it for?" "Did I do these things out of love and care?"
It's been a long time Since I know how to differentiate what's right or wrong which I thought I'm always right. But have I ever asked myself, "How right am I?" "Can I ever be wronged?"
It's been a long time Since I first quarreled with my parents shouting and swearing at them. But have I ever asked myself, "Who am I to scream at them?" "What have I done to be given the credit to treat them like this?"
It's been a long time Since I've grown and viewed the world in my eyes looking at how sucky this world is. But have I ever asked myself, "Aren't there any good stuff that I like about this world?"
It's been a long time Since I dated my first love who I thought will my life long partner. But have I ever asked myself, "Am I ready to start this relationship?"
It's been a long time Since I became the topic of my school where comments and compliments are being passed around. But have I ever asked myself, "What exactly have started all these?" "Is this all part of Karma?" "Did I start all these?"
It's been a long time Since I first laugh out loud where the world seems so bright and shiny. But have I ever asked myself, "What is joy?" "What brings joy?"
It's been a long time Since I had my first broke up where I feel so depressed and hurt deep within me. But have I ever asked myself, "Am I to be blamed?"
It's been a long time Since I tasted jealously which boils me up and reveals the evil within me. But have I ever asked myself. "What am I jealous about?" "Can't I be as good as him?"
It's been a long time Since I looked down at myself feeling that the world is so huge and complex. But have I ever asked myself, "Are my weaknesses the obstacles that block my way to success?" "Is being perfect really the key to stand out in this world?"
It's been so long Since I've asked myself so many questions which I can't seem to find the answers. But have I ever asked myself, "Could the answer be just standing right in front of me?" "Am I the answer?"
What have been said and written up there are some of the things that I have heard from my friends and seen in their blogs. I hope you will understand the deeper meaning behind everything.
Hope to see you smiling everyday. Be happy
So little time to rest
04 July 2006 - 21:39
I've been busy with my 2 projects lately. It was as if I was running a marathon that has been held for days. The past few days were a torture to me. I had 3 to 4 hours of sleep each day, plus having to bear with lectures and tutorials that were held in the day.
I'm tired, exhausted and I want to sleep so badly. I'm close to falling and lying on my bed to sleep. I'm envious of those who could rest and sleep peacefully.
I'm thankful to those who have followed me through this terrible moment. I'm glad that I have met these people who I'll always remember. I'm jumping with joy that we have break through this horrible period of time.
This is just close to the end. We still have a long way before it ends. How long do we have to wait till it ends?
Always remember that we are there for you. For we bring light into your darkest moments, and laughters when we see you sob.
We'll press on together till the end. And I hope that you'll remain strong. Friends forever.