2 months 7 days passed, 67 days passed, 1608 hours passed, 96480 minutes passed, 5788800 seconds have passed... ever since from the last post.
Those were my most fearful and exhausting period of time. Projects, assignments, tests and exams flooded my time for freedom and my beauty sleep. Everything seems to be happening one after the other and everyday seems like a repetion of the day before. Is as if time is duplicating itself...
Everyone always says that time will never wait for you and will not ever turn around for you. But have you seen time duplicating itself of the past events as if it is trying to tell you something. From what I see is that time is trying to convince me to have a change of events or actions that I've been doing all this time.
When I say events or actions, they refer to bad habits or behaviors that ones possesses. I believe everyone do contain at least one bad habit or behavior inside you. No one is born perfect and pure like the fall of snow from the sky. Even if you do believe that you're that purest snow don't forget that that purest snow will not always be entirely white. That brown patch which you see somewhere in or on the snow is the flaw of that pure and white snow. And that brown patch refers to our bad habit and behavior that has been built because of psychological disorder (emotions and thoughts : jealously, terrified to be open) and the wrong perception (how our surroundings have affected us) that we make. With the rapid changes to our surroundings and the increase for competitiveness in this world, do you still believe that you and I are flawless beings?
Having that in mind, we ask ourselves some of these questions: Have you ever come to a point that everyone thinks that you're the flawless person who seems capable of achieving results close to perfect? If you do, do you like it? Why? How do you counter this so call problem to you?
I'll leave these questions to you. My answers will be posted in my next blog...